FIRST READING:1 Corinthians 2:10-16 / GOSPEL: Luke 4:31-37
We all possess Spirit. As there is always positive and negative energies in the world. So too the Spirit can be positive and negative. The positive Spirit always seeks to do good and spread peace around. We posses Spirit and its time for us ask ourselves, What kind of Spirit do I possess? The Spirit of the Lord is very difficult to understand. It builds and destryos. It brings peace and war. And we will be doing what God wants us to do. As in the Gospel we encounter Jesus teaching on Sabbath. People are astonished by what he does and speaks. It's the same Positive Spirit that enabled Jesus to do these things. Let us today pray and ask God to strengthen us and provide us with the same spirit.

Quote: Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.-Frank Borman


As we grow up our lives seems to be in the stormy sea. The natural tendency in us is to blame God. We also blame others for our struggles. But wait a second, if we look back and reflect our life, we visualize, that we are responsible for whatever happening in our lives. Our lives are not destined. God doesn't decide for us. But he is knows everything. Because he is past, present and future. Thus, why then suffering and pain in our lives? How to escape from this world of suffering? The answer is given in the Gospel. We all struggle but Jesus is the way, the truth and life. He is the righteous path which we should prefer to follow and not our instincts. If we fail to do that, we again remain in our world of suffering and pain. Jesus is our consolation and strength. May Jesus guide us to choose him as our path. Let him lead us on the path of righteousness. So that we may contribute goodness in the world and the life to come.

Quote:"A need for approval lies behind all efforts of evangelism. If someone else can be convinced, that will show us that we are on the right path. The attempt to convince someone of anything is a mark of insecurity."-Ravi Ravindra


FIRST READING: Ezekiel 43:1-7 / GOSPEL: Matthew 23:1-12
In our day to day life, we get advice from various people who love us and care for us. But we know for sure only advice that touches our heart is of those persons who really practice it in their life. As we can call it walking the talk. It's really a virtue to imbibe in our lives. It's really difficult to practice than preaching. How many times do we not given free advices and suggestions? It must have come out unintentionally. If we reflect before we give some suggestions as to wheather or not I can practice what I tell my collegues, it would make a great change in our lives. Mere uttering of words do not carry any weight. Jesus spoke everything with authority. Even after two thousand years his words inspires the life of many persons. How could it be possible? Because Jesus walked the talk. Whatever he spoke he spoke from what he practiced. Therefore let us today reflect before we speak. Once words come out of our mouth it would not return back. Let us pray for the grace from the Lord that we may practice first then preach to the others.

Quote:  "Just becasue you talk about 'Jesus' doesn't mean you get a ticket to heaven. Practice what you preach."-Joel Fernadez


FIRST READING: Ezekiel 37:1-14 / GOSPEL: Matthew 22:34-4
Life is so interesting and fun. Yet sometime in life we do feel downs. If not strong we get into depression. The thought hovers over our mind is 'I can't'. All the negatives which we have accumulated since childhood, begin to haunt us. Though we raise unaware of the fact that these ghosts or fear of ours would haunt us again. So, what is the solution? Today's readings help us to understand that God is everything. If we loose everything in our life, there is still no harm. But if we loose hope then life is vegetative. Today God extends his hand to those who are despair. All of our fears and negative thoughts would not come before our God. His consoling spirit and breath would renew our SPIRIT. Let us not forget the golden rule that Jesus gave us:
1. Love your God with all your HEART,SOUL and MIND.
2. Love your NEIGHBOR as YOURSELF.
To do this we need a strong conviction and will. And let God be our strength. God will never let us down. May we receive his breath of life, which would renew our heart and mind.

Quote: "Never give up, have hope. Expect only the best from life and take action to get it."-Catherine Pulsifer


FIRST READING:Ezekiel 36:23-28 / GOSPEL: Matthew 22:1-14
I believe that God loves me and loves everyone in the world. God created us and loves. As a parents who feel for their children so too God feels for us. God knows all our ups and downs. All our struggles and pains. We are more dear to God than ourselves or for others. When living our life, in this busy world, unaware of the goodness of God, we begin to worship God chosen by ourselves. These idols or gods can be our pride, authority, power, money so on and so forth. And unconsciously we forget the loving nature of God. Yet God doesn't forget us. Through today's readings God is pleading to us to abandon our in the gods we worship (money, authority, power, pride). God invites us to a greater relationship with him. And only we need to put on the garment of goodness. And yes we are almost there in the Kingdom of God. 

ACTION PLAN:"Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so taht it touches not only those to whom you give it easily, but also those who need it so much."-Daphine Rose Kingma


FIRST READING:Ezekiel 34:1-11 / GOSPEL: Matthew 20:1-16
Remember that if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more and do more you are a true leader. People who are entrusted with such a charism have a great risk to face. What is the risk involved? When one is leading, he/she should be the person to take care of the flock. There could be basic instinct of ours, which would lead us astray from the path. If the leaders start harrassing people to whom they are entrusted to take care, it would be a great disaster! You too are someway or the other are entrusted or may be dealing with people around you. How do you judge yourself? Are you a ture leader who walk on the path where your people do get justice? Do you spend your life like a true soldier sacrificing his/her life for the mission? If not let God be our strength and ask the grace to empower each and everyone of us. So that we may be a true leader in the service of our people.

Quote: "A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way."-John C. Maxwell


FIRST READING: Ezekiel 28:1-10 / GOSPEL: Matthew 19:23-30
In today's both readings we see the difficulties of a rich person to understand the truth and path of God. First and foremost who is a rich person? Richness can mean have connotaitons. We can be materially, spiritually and even physically rich. Richness means you are complete in yourself. Once you think you are total in yourself, you don't require to depend on anyone or anything. Yes, here what we deviate form the path of truth. I can be rich in my way, but not forgetting the limitedness of me in this world. If my richness does not yield any good the life is not useful at all. Whatever may be my life situations, if I know that I am rich in something, let it be in the service of God and his people. Let us not forget, for me it is impossible to do anything but not for God.

Quote:"To live a pure unselfish life, one must count nothing as one's own in the midst of abundance"-Gautama Buddha


FIRST READING: Apocalypse 11:19,12:1-6,10/SECOND READING:1 Corinthians 15:20-26 /GOSPEL: Luke 1:39-56
We are blessed to have a mother. She is none other than our Lady Mother Mary. Her one yes gave us Jesus Christ. And we love her as our Mother and she always intercedes for her children. She said yes to God's plan in saving the world. In a world today, where woman are treated as second citizens, it is very important for us to respect and give our reverence to women. Every woman is a daughter, mother, wife and sister. She is the treasure of the house wherever she goes. We hear a lot of atrocities happening against women. Daily news paper and news channels are filled with oppression against women. So, what is my position in dealing with women around me? Do I respect them as a person? Do I treat them equally? Do I feel their need in the growth of me and the world. Let Mother Mary be our inspiration. If a woman such as Mother Mary can bring peace to the world, How much more the women around us would bring peace and happiness? It is only possible if I give them the same position and respect they deserve. 

Quote:"A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often."-Oliver Herford


FIRST READING:Jeremiah 38:4-6,8-10 / SECOND READING: Hebrews 12:1-4 / GOSPEL: Luke 12:49-53
Have you experienced restlessness? Especially when you want to do something and have put all your mind and heart upon it? Yes, you feel and whatever may be the circumstances or condition, you would finish the task you have started. In the readings today we encounter prophet Jeremiah, whose heart was set on fire for God. He spoke on behalf of YAHWEH. He did not even hesitate to sacrifice his life inorder to speak what was revealed to him. In the second reading we read how the author suggests us to run steadily in the path we have opted or started. The faith through Jesus would bring us to perfection. In the Gospel Jesus tells his disciples that he has not come to bring peace but fire on earth. All these three persons are active and thirsty to do what they started. God as the starting and the end point. Living Christianity is not that easy as we think. Following the footsteps of Jesus is not bed of roses. If you begin to follow Jesus and live according to what he has said, surely you will not see peace around you, but a fire. People would be divided in the name of Jesus, in what you do or say. Are you ready to set fire in the name of Jesus? To bring the Good News that all are loved and we are one family. To help people in need. To see Jesus in all. If you start today you will first feel the fire in your heart and you will see the FIRE around you.

Quote: "Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't them all by ourselves."― Laura Esquivel  


FIRST READING: Ezekiel 18:1-10,13,30-32 / GOSPEL: Matthew 19:13-15
When I read the readings I was startled and amazed by what the Lord spoke through the reading to me. Every one who has sinned will die. Whether it is father or son, daughter or mother, everyone. What kind of death does God is speaking about? The habitual sin leads our conscience to death. Where one can not distinguish between good and evil for her or him. The world today is proceeding towards this kind of trend. Where people tend to remain dead in their conscience. When there is suffering, pain and anguish in the world where we live, we are indifferent to the reality. Reasons can be many. We do not want to soil our hands or we tend to think, it's not our business. Then what could be an active  would be? It is that of a child, pure and energetic. Active conscience would feel the suffering of others and would respond to it naturally. Let us pray that we may inculcate in us the virtue of a child like spirit and heart. 

Quote: "If all the world hated you and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved of you and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends."― Charlotte Brontë


FIRST READING:Ezekiel 16:1-15,60,63 / GOSPEL: Matthew 19:3-12
God rebukes people of Israel because of their stubborness. Jesus tells pharasees that they too do not want to listen. God always was guiding people of Israel. He spoke to them through prophets. But they always turned away from God. They sought darkness rather than light. They changed the laws according to their convinace. What about our world today? Even we too seem to be in the same boat as our ancestors. We do things and create laws which favours us. In the world today the perenial problem is MARRIAGE. A lot of problems we face in the marriage. Most of the marriages seem to be very superficial. There are lot of people suffering psychologically. And inorder to be in the safer side we have laws in human favour. Let us remind ourselves that God's Message is not Human thinking. Because of certain genuine cases in marriage, let us not take Divorse as the ultimate weapon. Let us remeber what Jesus said, "What God has united, man must not divide."

Let us pray for the people who are truly suffering and growing in their marriage life. May they find answers and grow in the grace of God.

Quote:"You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly."-Sam Keen


FIRST READING:Ezekiel 12:1-12 / GOSPEL: Matthew 18:21-19:1
In our day to day lives we encounter hurt fellings. Sometime we have hurt someone or people have hurt us. The hurt would lead us to get angry.  Getting angry is a good thing. You can not forgive someone if you don't have anger within you. But revengeful attitude is what very harmful to us. The power of forgiveness  not only  controls our anger, it even brings positive impact in our lives. It is not for the other but for yourself you need to forgive. Forgiveness is really hard virtue to achieve. But it's not an impossible task. There may be a lot of people who need our forgiveness. Today let us recall those people whom we have hurt or we are hurt by them.Let us not be rebellious and revengeful. Let us forgive and feel the warmth and love that we desire and seek. Thus our  life would be one  that would be helpful in the Kingdom of God here on earth. May the power of forgiveness fill our hearts and the surrounding where we live.

Quote: "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."-Mahatma Gandhi


FIRST READING:2 Corinthians 9:6-10/ GOSPEL: John 12:24-26
In our day to day life, we always encounter giving and taking. Exchange of gifts  is what we usually encounter. When someone gives gift to us, how good we feel? Because we know it is coming out of love. But if someone gives grudgingly something, we may not feel that good. The readings today suggests us whatever we give to the poor or needy we need to give cheerfully and not grudgingly. Let us ask ourselves how many things that we posses is really used frequently? If we make a list of things, we would be surprised to see. A lot of things may not be used at all. This is the time for us to share it with someone who really needs it. And let us give it not because we don't use or it's obligatory, but for the love of others. Especially for those people who are in need of us. 

Quote: "The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving ."- Albert Einstein


FIRST READING:Ezekiel 2:8-3:4 GOSPEL:  Matthew 18:1-5,10,12-14
When we look at children we wish to be like them. We desire to go back to the time when we were children. Chilren are pure at heart and mind. They are simple and enjoy the little things in life. They do not worry or bother about anything. They speak out what their hearts say.  Being a child is all we need to learn and live. It's not the proud who succeeds in life but the innocent. I must have grown or walked the path of life very far, but still there is a desire in me, to be a child. A child who is innocent, pure of heart and without any malice. And if I change my attitude as of a child, I am first in the Kingdom of God. Let pray and adopt the qualities of children and live a life pure and community oriented. 

Quote: "Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight your dreams."-Ashley Smith


FIRST READING: Ezekiel 1:2-5,24-28 / GOSPEL: Matthew 17:22-27 
Today is the feast of St. Dominic. Who was a priest and a living saint. He inspired a lot of people, through his poverty both individually and in community life. Today's readings tell us about the hand of God on his people. When God is so merciful and protector of his children; how should we his creatures should behave in our family or in the world? We seek power, authority and money. We need name and fame in the world. If we consider everyone as our family we do not seek anything but give love to others. Let us try to be less individualitstic and enjoy the company of others.  Let us pray that our hearts be filled with  Love for everyone. May we serve one another as one family. May St. Dominic intercede for us.

Quote: "The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life."- Richard Bach


FIRST READING: Wisdom 18:6-9 SECOND READING: Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19 GOSPEL: Luke 12:32-48
Peter said, 'Lord, is this parable for us or for everyone?' Instead of answering his question, Jesus explains him about the servant-hood. A servant knows well about master. What master likes or dislikes. Being Christian is a great task. It can not be carried out without faith. Following the Lord is not as simple. In-order to be true christian means living up to the values taught by Jesus Christ. The values of justice, peace, mercy and love. In the world today we may find it difficult to be a christian. But the hope and faith in Jesus would surely guide us and enable us to carry out whatever we are doing. Let us build up our faith in him and inculcate the values taught by him in our daily lives. Being christian is a great responsibility, let us carry out with love and faith.

Quote:"I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."-C.S. Lewis


FIRST READING: Daniel 7:9-10,13-14 /SECOND READING: 2 Peter 1:16-19 /GOSPEL: Luke 9:28-36
When is the last time people really noticed that glow on your face? In our day to day some we too encounter people with bright face. They may be burdened with a lot of things. Best example is of our Mothers. They are busy with a lot of activities. Yet when they see the face of child their face glows with love and joy. The transfiguration of Jesus shook his own disciples. They had an extraordinary experience. Is it possible for us too give that same feeling to others? Yes. It is possible only through our prayer life. The spirituality of each of differs. If we are connected with God who is good and be like God, then our hearts change. Our lives change when we follow the law written in our hearts, that is to do good. If our hearts are good and loving, people would really notice the change in our being. That is the transfiguration of our HEARTS.

Quote: "When you're different, sometimes you don't see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn't."- Jodi Picoult


FIRST READING:Nahum 2:1,3,3:1-3,6-7/ GOSPEL: Matthew 16:24-28
Life is so beautiful and is worth living it. We are loved and given chance to live it fully. In the world amidst of war, terror and suffering it's difficult to see as a beautiful place. If we are aware that this life is too short to live here on earth and has to be lived happily, then only we would realize rest everything is in vain. Most of the time I may get disappointed with my situations in life but let it not break me down. Let me love my life, let me show love and affection towards myself and to the people around me. Life is full of wonders and joy, may I see the positive side of my life and bury the negatives. Let Jesus be my inspiration and guide. 

Quote: "You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."- Gautama Buddha


FIRST READING: Jeremiah 31:31-34 / GOSPEL: Matthew 16:13-23
Most of the time in my life I ask this question to myself. Who am I or what am I? Am I the person whom people persevere? definitely not. I know that I am not the person that the people experience. But sometimes I am lost in the thoughts of people's understanding of me. It is really hard for me then again I ask the question who am I? Something similar I see in today's Gospel. Jesus asking his disciples about himself. He gets a lot of answer but Peter's answer brings smile on his face. The son of God who is the Lord. But Jesus does not stay there he tells them of his upcoming event, that is suffering. And he rebukes the same Peter for not understanding what he is.
People talk a lot about us, but we know who really we are. We too are the daughters and sons of God in whom we believe. We too have our mission in life. Let's remember the Law is written in our hearts not in our minds. Let us listen to our hearts and seek the Lord.

Quote:"Things can be really empty in this world, and I don't just mean the music world. It can become a very meaningless place if you don't really understand: 'who am I? Why am I here? What am I doing?' To feel fulfillment and have a deeper level of understanding, personally, that is the most important thing." -Alicia Keys


FIRST READING: Jeremiah 31:1-7 / GOSPEL: Matthew 15:21-28
What do we do when a trouble seems to bother us? When we find we are not on right track, what do we do? Life puts before us a lot of challenge and difficult situations. Some of which would be terrific in it's nature. But the question is what is my reaction towards it? Do I still have the hope in God whom I think would hold me tight? Or do I ignore his assurance? 
In the Gospel today we see how a persistent woman gets what she wanted for her. Jesus acclaims, 'What a Great Faith!' Whatever situations may come we need to stand and fight and need to have a great faith in God whom I believe would help me from my miseries.

Quote: "God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, or sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it."- unknown


FIRST READING: Jeremiah 30:1-2,12-15,18-22 / GOSPEL: Matthew 14:22-36
We get tired, worn out by the hurt of people whom we love. Most of the time we are down thinking of it. It is not the stranger who make us cry the most but the rejection from people whom we love. Today's readings too goes on in the same tone. God, who loved his people sees their misery and is touched. The miseries of the people is not by God but themselves. But there is assurance from the one who loves us most. Though we may sink many a times in the sea of troubles, mistakes and our failures, but there is hope which prevails, Jesus is there to lift us up by his hand.

Quote: "For I know the thoughts I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give a future and hope" -Jeremiah 29:11