FIRST READING: Apocalypse 11:19,12:1-6,10/SECOND READING:1 Corinthians 15:20-26 /GOSPEL: Luke 1:39-56
We are blessed to have a mother. She is none other than our Lady Mother Mary. Her one yes gave us Jesus Christ. And we love her as our Mother and she always intercedes for her children. She said yes to God's plan in saving the world. In a world today, where woman are treated as second citizens, it is very important for us to respect and give our reverence to women. Every woman is a daughter, mother, wife and sister. She is the treasure of the house wherever she goes. We hear a lot of atrocities happening against women. Daily news paper and news channels are filled with oppression against women. So, what is my position in dealing with women around me? Do I respect them as a person? Do I treat them equally? Do I feel their need in the growth of me and the world. Let Mother Mary be our inspiration. If a woman such as Mother Mary can bring peace to the world, How much more the women around us would bring peace and happiness? It is only possible if I give them the same position and respect they deserve. 

Quote:"A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's: She changes it more often."-Oliver Herford

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